Rabu, 10 September 2014

Sweet Mistake

A mistake will always a mistake.

Pernah gak sih ngalamin lo dah tau nih what you've done is totally wrong, tapi lo sepertinya tutup mata and still doing it. Well, I did many mistakes and don't care but this case, I categorized it as one of my sweet mistakes.

Le'ts say one of my sweet mistakes is I fell in love with a wrong person. It's totally forbidden for us to continue our relationship. In the beginning, both of us understood very clearly that this relationship can't go anywhere, but somehow we lie to ourselves and keep continue to contact each other.

Gak tau kenapa, giliran jatuh cinta dengan orang yang salah kok gue malah lebih sayang ke dia dibanding ke mantan2 gue yang kita jalanin normal. This guy treat me nicely. I felt so loveable with all his treatment to me.

I remembered one day, 1 day before Christmas we had a phone call. After ngobrol ngalor ngidul, he asked my home address. Dia bilang pengen update data2 di handphonenya dia. So without any question mark, i gave my full home address. Finished phone call, I slept for a while before getting ready to church for Christmas eve service. When I woke up, my mom said, tuh, ada kiriman Bunga buat kamu. That time, gak kepikiran pun dia yang kirim and still wondering, siapa ya yg kirim bunga. It was a nice flower, 1 big bouquet of white roses. There's a small card. And he said, this is to ended the 2011 in a good note. From the handwriting, I know the flower is from him. I sent him a bb message and thank him for send the a nice flower. and for sure it beautifully ended my 2011.

Jan 2012 it is. We had a chances to have our trip together.
From all of the trips we had, I experienced a wonderful time. Dari hal yang simple banget, dia bisa bikin gue terharu dan mewek. Maybe for everyone it's kinda cheesy, but for me, its too sweet to forget. Dia nulis " I love you" dari embun yg muncul di kamar mandi. hahaha.

Our supper,  beach time, movie date, cycling date, play like bungee jumping, massage date, champagne night, and many other things we've been together. It's really one of wonderful time. So short but we had our quality time.

Until one day, we had a deep conversation. We realize we need to stop this. but somehow, both of us can't let go. We are very different from outside yet we can find each other.

Days by days passed by, sometimes we are intense to contact each other, but sometimes not. Finally, one day he act differently to me. He act like he avoiding me. and it continues until now. Our relationship is very awkward these day. We like don't know each other. very cold indeed. We act like a stranger. I know for sure this time will come.
But what to do, me and him should not have this kind of relationship.

Mistakes will always a mistakes. Both of us can't let this happen too far.

I am thankful enough to know him more and can spend my time with him even it's a mistake. But it's gone. Memory left.

However, now, I am married with a wonderful man who really cares about me and we are expecting a baby.

And for you my sweet mistake,  I wish you nothing but the very best. Hope we can still be friends.

Cheers to a happy life.


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