Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

check ombak

Sometimes gue bingung ama cowo2 jakarta yang udah dibilang dewasa mateng - yah gue sih memperkirakan cowo2 itu umuran 32 keatas lah yah.

Menurut gue, cowo2 umur segituh tuh udah gak seharusnya mempunyai kelakuan labil layaknya anak2 abg skarang alias ababil.

Contoh kasus nyata, ada seonggok cowo (daging kali seonggok) yang baru aja baru aja gue kenal like 2 months ago lah ya . If i can give him a number between 1-10, i will give 7,5. good looking? hmm so-so, six pack? dun think so, tall? hampir setinggi gue dan menurut gue gak termasuk tinggi lah untuk ukuran cowo, job? well, he have a good position disalah satu hotel terkenal di Bali yang letaknya dipojokan jalan kuta  dengan lambang gitar yg gede gaban itu. anyway, he's around 33 or 34 y.o

Singkat cerita, akhirnya me and him memutuskan untuk in a relationship. (i know people may think that am crazy enough to decide in a relationship with this guy. FYI, we just intesed for keep in touch only for 2 weeks.

dunno why, gue gak ngerasa layaknya seorang pasangan yang baru jadian. seinget otak gue yang masih waras ini, klo yg namanya abis jadian pasti hidup lo indah banget dong ya. ibarat kata hidup lo tuh berbunga2 banget deh. tapi ama orang ini engga. disatu sisi gue mikir apa karena faktor umur ya. i mean im not 17 y.o anymore. jadi untuk perasaan2 kyk gituh udh so yesterday. faktor lain, mungkin karena dia juga sering bolak balik jkt-bali ya, intensitas ketemuan pun jarangnya pol. so far sih paling cmn dgn teknologi bbm or telp2an aja.

Singkat cerita ya, nih orang tiba2 berubah setelah satu hari we went together for a dinner and movie time. (mending berubah jadi gaban or spiderman kek) at least berguna buat membasmi kejahatan. but suddenly he turns become a stranger. i felt he act so cold.

the day after that night i called him. just to check whether he's ok or not. He sounds good and ready to hit the weekend with his family. I asked him, what happen? you act differently. he said, nothing happen. gue tetep kekeuh nanyain dia kenapa secara kayaknya boong banget kalo dia bilang nothing happen. after i pushed a bit harder, he came up with this sentences " aku juga ga tahu aku kenapa. setelah pulang dari bali aku jadi MOODY-an". ok everybody, please bold and underlined the word of MOODY. hell to the o, you are a 33-34 years old, you in the good position at your work, mapan, dewasa but still came up with MOODY? geez. saya pun hanya tertawa tergelitik.  after that conversation, i never bb him or even call him. i just let the universe suprise me.

2 weeks passed by. and my friend have a new candidate for me to introduce with. yep, called me a superstar lately. secara kayaknya lagi naik daun banget gue :D :D
Suddenly, this 2 weeks missing guy texted me via bbm. dengan bahasa basa basi, he asked me "how are you"? bisa aku telp ga?

yah, no harm. telp aja. eh tiba2 dia bilang eh, besok aja deh. (dalam hati, gila nih laki, bener2 dewasa labil --" ). mau telpon aja masih labil.

Keesokan harinya, berhasilah dia telp gue. and phew akhirnya gak labil juga dia. gue pikir bkl bbm lagi telpnya tahun depan aja deh. and he tried to said very nicely to end up our relationship. and me just happily said, ok no problem.  and asked him back where have you been? he said, i need time to think. heh? think? you, slow thinker. some cliche answer instead.

i shared this story with one of my best-est monkey sister and she said, " mba, dia tuh cuman check ombak aja ama kamu" dan setelah saya telaah lebih lanjut, bener juga ini istilahnya.

"check ombak" ke laut Cina Selatan. ternyata ombaknya mungkin terlalu tinggi and unreachable for him as a new surfer. gave up and try another ocean or sea to check their waves. and i think he found it yet. laut jawa - maybe the waves is calm enough. and after check ombak di laut Jawa, bingo, he can afford and handle it!

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