Selasa, 08 September 2015

Heaven sent a gift of love

We can't thank God enough for His goodness to our life. While some people out there trying hard to have kids, within 5 months of our marriage, He trusted us to be a parents soon.

I remembered that time, around end of July.  I realized my period haven't coming yet and already late for almost 2 weeks. Punya pengalaman sebelumnya kalau period telat, langsung beli test pack dan selalu end up dengan result yang gak sesuai dengan apa yang diinginkan. So this time, even udh late for almost 2 weeks, I set my mind maybe because I am tired jadi periodnya late. Secara bulan sebelumnya juga sempet terlambat hampir 1 bulan.  I did my activity like usual after one day i feel very "pegel2" all my body and i decided to take massage after office hour. Took 1.5 hours of massage, i wonder why this time i feel different. Usually, i feel refresh and recharged after massage tapi kok sekarang badan malah tambah sakit. Apa si mba2 nya pijetnya kurang enak.  Ah anyway, mungkin kurang lama kali pijetnya.

2nd of August. My birthday indeed and until that day my period also haven't come yet. 3rd of August, i had birthday with my in laws at one of the shopping malls. Since my period also not come yet, my curiosity getting bigger. I went to drug store and bought the test pack. From the information i had, test pack result will be more accurate if you do on morning. Thus, i take the test on morning of 4th Aug.  My heartbeat becomes faster waiting for the result. Is it 1 line or 2 lines? One line is out, and by any second, the second line is out also. Wohooo. Two lines! i become a mom soon. I called my hubby and show him the result. Happy tapi masih agak ditahan. We just want to ensure by check to gynecologist first. However, thank you God. It was a very nice birthday present ever!

Finally, we went to gynecologist at RSB Asih. Ini rumah sakit adalah rumah sakit yang sama waktu gue lahir 31 tahun yg lalu. Got recommendation from one of my girl friends gynecologist yang bagus namanya dr. Nurwansyah. Jadi buatlah appointment untuk ketemu dia. dan ternyata nih dokter hits bener karena pasiennya banyaaak banget. Gue dapet nomer2 terakhir dan successfully meet him around 930 pm dimana udah ngantuk dan teler banget. Di USG lah gue dan saat itu usia kandungan gue udh 4w berapa lah. ik lupa :D
Seneng nya ternyata confirm am pregnant!

Bulan2 pertama kehamilan pun dilewatin dengan aman2 aja.  Mostly, people will experiencing a morning sick but not for me. Morning sick is bearable enough. But that time tiba2 gue gak suka parfume gue yang manis2. dan selama hamil di bulan2 pertama, i didn't wear any parfume at all.

Bulan2 kedua kehamilan pun, thank God ran smoothly. I still can going out of town by train to Cirebon. That time my passion to eat also getting bigger. No wonder i gained a lot of weight during my pregnancy. I reached 87 kg until i delivered the baby.

Bulan2 terakhir kehamilan a bit tough for me. Since my tummy become bigger and bigger, so every pose i did while i sleep, seat or else are wrong. My hand and foot got tingling dan gue jadi susah tidur.  Anyway, secara gue pengen banget lahiran normal disamping speedy recovery dan lebih irit, jadi gue ikutan deh tuh yang namanya senam hamil. Senam hamil baru boleh diikutin pas usia kandungan lo more than 30 weeks. So setiap hari sabtu pagi, kencan deh gue ama ibu2 yang lain buat senam hamil selama 1 jam.  dr. Nur juga menyarankan kalo mau lahir normal sering2 lah jalan, dan di minggu2 terakhir babynya harus sering2 "ditengokin" sama bapaknya.  The aim for that activity sih buat bikin kontraksi alami aja.

Entering 37weeks of pregnancy, belom ada tanda2 nih bayi mau lahir. Masih anteng aja. Betah bener kayaknya didalam perut gue.  Until the week of 39 lebih berapa hari, tiba2, pagi2 buta gue pipis and i found flek on my underwear. Wuih. apa mungkin this is the time.  seperti yang gue baca tanda2 mau melahirkan tuh ada flek, ketuban pecah dan kontraksi semakin lama semakin sering. Emang sih, baru flek doang. tapi karena ini hamil pertama jadi gak deh tuh nanti ada kesalahan. My hubby and i decided buat pergi ke rs aja. Pas nyampe dsana di cek ina itu, CTG dan mesti stay for 4hours for observation. Nothing happens significantly. Jadi disuruh pulanglah gue. Inget banget gue waktu itu hari minggu. Pulanglah gue.

Next day which is on Monday, kok gue udah mulai berasa kyk kontraksi even ga sering. flek nya pun semakin banyak. haduhh. apa hari ini yah bayinya bakal lahir??? Udah deh dateng lagi lah gue ke rs. daripada kenapa2 kan. mungkin pihak rs nya mikir rajin amat nih ibu dateng2 mulu. Akhirnya dibilang udah pembukaan 1. dan that gue masih santai karena kontraksi juga blm sering2 amat dan masih ok kok. Telp dr Nur dan dr Nur bilang suruh stay ampe dia praktek jam 3 sore. Secara ik dateng pagi2 ya, nunggu ampe jam 3 sore tuh lambreta juga ya even gue disedian satu kamar buat nunggu and they provide me breakfast and lunch. Udah agak lumutan juga nunggunya. Akhrinya sampelah jam 3 sore. Dokterpun dateng dan gue pun diperiksa. Check here and there ternyata dibilang air ketuban gue udh tinggal sedikit. And i can't go home and must stay at the hospital. Tomorrow, he scheduled me to give  some induction buat ngerangsang bayinya keluar.
BOOO!!! yang gue tahu, kalo di induksi itu sakitnya bakal ruaaaarrrr biasaaaaa!! tapi gue masih sok2 santai dan masih pengen pulang pun.  Akhirnya mau gak mau stay dong di rs. Buka kamar dan my family juga udh standby dirs. Tpi ampe jam 7 malem gak ada apa2, mereka pun got back home. Sulis pun juga balik ke rumahnya buat ambil perlengkapannya. And i am all alone. sampe sekitar jam 8an setengah Sembilan kok gue berasa kontraksi makin sering dan perut sakit. Come and go setiap 5 menit. Tambah deg2an apa jangan2 malem ini tuh bocah keluar. Secara my sister and my mom keep praying for me supaya gue lahiran hari itu juga dan gak perlu di induksi. Well, that also one of my prayer sih. Dari masa kehamilan, gue tuh berdoa sama Tuhan :

1. Lahiran Normal
2. Maximum 5 Jam udah keluar babynya
3. Team dokter n suster lengkap pada saat melahirkan
4. Ga mau pake induksi2an
5. Jalanan lancer pas hari H

Ok, back to the time kontraksi udh mulai sering. I called my hubby and asked where is he. He said udah mau deket nih. Sampelah dia. dan time showed around 9 pm. Waktu itu tiba2 gue pengen pipis. Pipislah gue dan gue liat flek pun makin banyak. Begitu selesai pee, keluar kamar mandi tiba2 gue berasa air rembes dari my underwear. Gak bisa ditahan dan keluar begituh aja. Waduh.. Is it my air ketuban pecah? Langsung my hubby panggil suster dan that time perut langsung makin tambah sakit. Check lagi with suster. Dan dibilang udah bukaan 3. langsung dibawa ke ruang tindakan. perut makin tambah sakit. kontraksi setiap 1 menit kali. tpi masih bisa gue ketawa pas perut lgi gak kenceng. sampe akhirnya gak bisa ketahan lagi, dan akhirnya suster pun pindahin gue lagi ke ruangan lain. i think berarti ini labor roomnya deh. Thank God banget, hari Senin itu dokter gue praktek ampe malem. jadi dia tuh standby juga buat gue. few of my prayer has been answered. Praise God. Liat jam kok masih jam 11 juga dan perut sakitnya gak ketolongan. Yang bikin gue bĂȘte tuh, gue pengen banget ngeden, tpi berhubung pembukaan belom lengkap, ngeden  itu forbidden banget. Aslik gue udah teriak sekuat2nya saking ga tahannya. My parents and my sister already there to support me. Saking ga tahannya, i asked my hubby udah i want cesar aja. heheheh tapi suster kepala bilang juga its not possible. It will take time also. Akhirnya gue liat sekitar jam stgh 12. Dokter bilang ok bu, pembukaan udah lengkap. siap2 ngeden ya. Aslikk! pas dibilang boleh ngeden tuh rasanyaaa plonnnngggggggg beneer. i forgot how many times gue ngeden. tapi tiba2 gue berasa seonggok daging besar keluar and yes that's him. my Baby boy. happy tired on the same time. But tired is gone so fast when nurse put the baby on my chest. So tiny, innocent. oh God, you are good. another of my prayer is been answered. I asked of maximum 5 hours bayi udah boleh keluar but within 3 hours bayinya udah keluar., God is Good. really good!
Sulis and i gave his name Zefano Emmanuel. Zefano means God's gift and Emmanuel means God be with us.

Thank you Lord for your amazing gift. You are God that we can depend on!

Rabu, 10 September 2014

Sweet Mistake

A mistake will always a mistake.

Pernah gak sih ngalamin lo dah tau nih what you've done is totally wrong, tapi lo sepertinya tutup mata and still doing it. Well, I did many mistakes and don't care but this case, I categorized it as one of my sweet mistakes.

Le'ts say one of my sweet mistakes is I fell in love with a wrong person. It's totally forbidden for us to continue our relationship. In the beginning, both of us understood very clearly that this relationship can't go anywhere, but somehow we lie to ourselves and keep continue to contact each other.

Gak tau kenapa, giliran jatuh cinta dengan orang yang salah kok gue malah lebih sayang ke dia dibanding ke mantan2 gue yang kita jalanin normal. This guy treat me nicely. I felt so loveable with all his treatment to me.

I remembered one day, 1 day before Christmas we had a phone call. After ngobrol ngalor ngidul, he asked my home address. Dia bilang pengen update data2 di handphonenya dia. So without any question mark, i gave my full home address. Finished phone call, I slept for a while before getting ready to church for Christmas eve service. When I woke up, my mom said, tuh, ada kiriman Bunga buat kamu. That time, gak kepikiran pun dia yang kirim and still wondering, siapa ya yg kirim bunga. It was a nice flower, 1 big bouquet of white roses. There's a small card. And he said, this is to ended the 2011 in a good note. From the handwriting, I know the flower is from him. I sent him a bb message and thank him for send the a nice flower. and for sure it beautifully ended my 2011.

Jan 2012 it is. We had a chances to have our trip together.
From all of the trips we had, I experienced a wonderful time. Dari hal yang simple banget, dia bisa bikin gue terharu dan mewek. Maybe for everyone it's kinda cheesy, but for me, its too sweet to forget. Dia nulis " I love you" dari embun yg muncul di kamar mandi. hahaha.

Our supper,  beach time, movie date, cycling date, play like bungee jumping, massage date, champagne night, and many other things we've been together. It's really one of wonderful time. So short but we had our quality time.

Until one day, we had a deep conversation. We realize we need to stop this. but somehow, both of us can't let go. We are very different from outside yet we can find each other.

Days by days passed by, sometimes we are intense to contact each other, but sometimes not. Finally, one day he act differently to me. He act like he avoiding me. and it continues until now. Our relationship is very awkward these day. We like don't know each other. very cold indeed. We act like a stranger. I know for sure this time will come.
But what to do, me and him should not have this kind of relationship.

Mistakes will always a mistakes. Both of us can't let this happen too far.

I am thankful enough to know him more and can spend my time with him even it's a mistake. But it's gone. Memory left.

However, now, I am married with a wonderful man who really cares about me and we are expecting a baby.

And for you my sweet mistake,  I wish you nothing but the very best. Hope we can still be friends.

Cheers to a happy life.


Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

IQ vs EQ


Suatu siang dimana kerjaan gak terlalu heboh, i decided to login into my blog account and want to write about one topic that has been travelled in my mind like almost 1.5 years.

Kalau diperhadapkan pada suatu pilihan, which one do your prefer? to have a good IQ or a good EQ? lo akan prefer menjadi seseorang dengan tingkat intelegensi tinggi atau menjadi seseorang yang mempunyai emotional intelligence? secara yah didunia kerja gue saat ini terdapat contoh yang sangat jelas bahwa orang yang smart which i bet he have a good IQ belum tentu smart juga mengatasi masalah emotionalnya dia.  Dia punya jabatan yang cukup ok lah dikantor gue secara pun dia adalah sahabat daripada anak owner perusahaan gue yg notabene tuh owner adalah orang terkaya no. 5 di Indonesia.

Unfortunately, day by day i have to deal with this high-IQ-guy since i am his sub-ordinate.  Disatu sisi, emg nih orang yah pinternya tuh nujuhbillah deh. ampe gue pikir nih orang otaknya terbuat dari apa sih. sampai dia pun bisa mengetahui kalau ada yang something wrong di kerjaan dept.lain dan kadang2 dept. yang salah itu not even notice that was a mistake. He spot the mistake just like that. makanya kadang gue kewalahan juga punya boss yg pinternya mampus, karena kita sebagai anak buah dituntut untuk mesti bisa seperti dia which is not me at all. I know my capability lah ya. dibilang pinter lumayan, dibilang bego sih juga gak bego2 amat. Maybe i can declare myself as a average genius thinker :D :D :D

Sayangnya, itu dia you have a good IQ doesn't mean you will have a good EQ as well. Secara dia orangnya pinternya gak ketolongan, begituh kita tidak sesuai harapan dia langsung deh heboh nya pun gak ketulungan. He is not able to control his emotion though. Kata2 sumpah serapah itu pun keluar dan kadang mikir, nih orang gak pernah makan bangku sekolah ya???!
Harsh words itu bener2 nusuk suk suk suk banget deh. Secara dia half Indonesian half Singaporean so, kata2 nya itu bisa dari bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Inggris ampe Bahasa Cina. asal jgn dia pake bahasa kalbu ajee. gak pahamm cyinn --" ampe one of my friend yang sudah memutuskan untuk berlayar ke tempat lain aja masih suka tergiang2 dengan salah satu kata2 sakti boss gue ini " THINK! USE YOUR BRAIN"!!! itu bener2 kata2 maut sih.
Speaking about this one of a kind guy, one day will not be enough. everyday must be a new story about his attitude. Bisa nih, one day, he came at office dengan muka pepaya se pepaya2 nya. pengen gue kasih lime dikit biar agak kecut2 asem deh dia.
and he asked me to come to his room. From his voice and tone, we already knew, wuah pasti nih orang lagi bad mood! man, you just arrived at office kok bawaannya udah gak enak. hawa nya kalau masuk ke ruangan dia nih, kelaamm pol! that's why sometimes we felt so hot when we get into his room. 10 minutes, his partner came and they have a discussion. boo, itu bisa loh ketawa heboh banget beduaan bagaikan lagi nonton standing comedy. moodnya dia tuh bisa change 180 derajat dalam waktu yg sangat singkat.

Anyways, think in a positive ways, maybe he is true. we need to think more clearly. use our logic and this one is helps me utk gak terlalu gampang di suruh2 orang atau di kibul2in orang. apalgi dikantor gue ini, banyak oknum2 yang suka ngeles atau give a grandma story yang gak make sense supaya mereka gak ribet aja ngerjain kerjaannya!! males banget kan??!!! sedangkan di lain sisi, am mentally drained. gilaa aja bo, tiap masuk kantor atau tiap mau meeting, rasanya tuh deg2an muluu. bakal dimarahin apa lagi nih?? bakal diteriakin lagi ga? pusinggg kan lo?!!

Nah, how about you? IQ or EQ? only you and yourselves know the answer.

Kamis, 18 April 2013

Heebie-Jeebies Snorkling Trip to East Borneo

Finally, 11 April has come. My 2 friends and i will have our island hoping trip to East Borneo. Actually, we already arrange this trip long time back from early January.

First flight in the morning forced us to reach Airport by 3am. 2.5 hours to reach Tarakan and we spend it by continuing our sleep. Flight arrived earlier than scheduled. Tour leader was stand by and pick us at the departure terminal. He asked us to join with other participants and guess whom i met there and will spend 4 days together?? yep, my ex boyfriend's ex. that's true! it's a small world indeed.

After introducing ourselves to the rest participants, a minibus ready to transfered us to a small resto nearby. only 15 mins away. We had our late breakfast yet early lunch there while waiting another participants depart from Balikpapan. Clock shown 12 pm and finally they came!

Jakarta Team just arrived at Tarakan

Complete team it is and ready to hit Maratua. We mobilize from this resto into the pier. But some problem happened. we can't get into the pier due some custom regulations. but my thought was ahh, paling mereka cmn pengen tambahan duit aja. c'mon this is Indonesia which apa2 UUD --> Ujung2 nya duit..
After a long wishy washy here and there, they allowed to entrance the pier. A small speed boat with capacity for 15 persons is ready to take us to Maratua.

Yep, here our small speedboat
3 hours on the move to Maratua, pantat yg namanya pegel ya. one of my friend sepertinya mabok laut dan sukses muntah. a bit worried since i think i ask a wrong person to join this trip, but never mind half on our way she tried to sleep. Around 3 hours, ABK (anak buah kapal) finally shout out, udah mau sampai!! wowww! we woke up and so excited.

Maratua Paradise Resort. beautiful isn't it?

The tour leader was give us the room key to all participants and asked us to leye2 before go to dinner time.  Today we only able to see around the resort since the time to spend from Jakarta to Maratua spend almost 1 day.
Menu for dinner is nice, fresh fish from the sea i guess so tasty. Anyway, we decided to sleep earlier so that we can fully energised for tomorrow island hoping which starting on 8am.

Woke up and too bad, its heavy rain happened. Air lautnya pun tinggi gila. and there not much we can do. went to breakfast since all of us are hungry and then came back to the room waiting for the rain to stop. Around 11 am weather was improve. Eventhough sun is to shy to shine.
Today's itinerary will be snorkling go to Nabucco and snorkling with Jelly fish at Danau Kakaban. 

Once arrived at Nabucco, speechless, white sand, crystal clear blue water is there! the view is amazing! all of us without any doubt hit the beach and took out our camera. Anyway, thanks to the tour leader. He succesfully made all of us looks like a model. jepret sini jepret sana. everything we do, it seems he dont want to loose the moment.

Nabucco Resort

The Team at Nabucco

Setelah puas2in untuk foto2, we went to Danau Kakaban to snorkling with the cutest Jelly fish. No need to worry Jelly fishnya gak bahaya. so we can snorkling freely without any fear. Anyway to reach this Danau Kakaban we have to step up the stairs which bit high and exhausted. Setelah perjuangan naik tangga2 itu, finally we reach there. Too bad, the water is not clear enough due to rain. Put our mask and snorkle up, lets swim with this cute little jelly fish. *tiba2 jdi pengen makan Jelly fish di Poke Sushi*

One of the Jelly fish
that's me touching the Jelly fish!

Anyway, Saturday it is! sun is shine brightly. and our next destination is too good to describe and let's the picture talks!! Enjoy :D :D 
Gusung Island

Jump, Jump and we did it!

Playing with Water

Enough to be narcist. Btw sun burn it is, but happy faces indeed. Nice dinner, sharing moments with the team perfectly ended our saturday night which means our last day of holiday in paradise.

Sunday,  time to go home and back to reality. The weather is not too hot but thank God is not rainy day as well. We have to say good bye to Maratua Paradise resort to heading back to Tarakan.
9 o clock sharp we leave the resort, the sea is looks calm and we still have a take picture moment on the boat. 1 hour gone. everybody is try to have a good position to sleep. i look outside, wow, sky looks darker but no rain yet. but the sea looks very rough. The tour leader asked us to use the life vest indeed. too bad the life vest is not enough for all passengers. there's 2 little kid with their parents don't use it. Ombak pun makin parah. its achieved 2meters high and the water go inside to the boat. i look around and everybody is praying by themselves. Mulut komat kamit, muka pucet semua campur jadi satu. at that point of time, i just surrender. bener2 laut lepas, ombak tinggi, hujan and theres nothing we can do but pray. Kanan kiri pun tidak terlihat pulau2 itu. I text my parents and sister to pray for me. i prayed and after prayed, i feel relieve and i know God is with me. This is my first experience to feel the rough sea, high swell. 2 hours at rough sea. :( :( :( feels want to cry.

Finally, sea becomes a little bit calm, and i saw some island surrounded. i look out, the water is brown means we almost close to the tier. Supposedly time to achieve Tarakan is 3 hours but we spent 5 hours to reach. Gosh!thanks to the Nahkodaaa!!!!

Anyway, thank God we arrived safely at Tarakan. all of us very wet, our bag is also wet. and the tour leader was a very responsible one to open a hotel for us to bersih2. :D :D  After we have our lunch, we went to the hotel to clean up everything.

After finish, they took us to the airport and will flight back to Jakarta with last flight from Tarakan. Anyway, deg2an belom selesai since one day before Lion Air has exeperiencing water landing di Bali. and all of us again nervous since we will have Lion Air to get back home. Such an extremely nervous feeling during this trip. But anyway, thank GOD, thanks universe that we can safely arrived at Jakarta.

I have another experience to share, have a new friends for sure and again, i am thankful and i am blessed i can see and feel that i can rely on God's love.

Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

Enjoy 29

29 - angka terakhir diurutan dua puluh-an sebelum mencapai 30.

If we are talking about ages, surely we are not younger anymore.
Well anyway am 29 now. and totally blessed. a bunch of thank YOU for YOUR never ending love in my life.

Dihari pertama on my 29 y.o i feel so blessed with a lots of wishes came from my families and friends. I thank God to give me an adorable families and friends like them. Anyway, to share my hapiness, i took my colleagues to have some lunch. it was pretty nice even we are in rush to eat since our "lovely" boss is not in the good mood. *kapan sih dia mood-nya bagus*

Menjelang sore hari, one of my colleague from another department delivered a flowers. 5 white roses and 1 purple rose in between. was shocked yet flattered.  at that point of time, i bet with my self that this flowers was sent by someone who live out of town. a orange envelope was there, pretty sure its a birthday card. nice wording indeed. *tears drop* lebay.

Gak lama, mendekati jam2 pulang kantor, which is am in rush too, *geez, i was like a superstar on my birthday* *lots of date instead* my marketing team gave me a red velvet birthday cake. make a wish and blew the candle. and gave me a present that i like it even the size is a bit bigger. but anyway, thank you marketing team!

at night, i had a date with my lovely bestiest from my previous company. it was a hilarious birthday dinner. we went to not to fancy resto but is good place to eat, reasonable and not close from my home and from one of my monkey sister which now waiting her due date to birth a baby girl. We eat, drink, eat, share stories and laugh a lot. it was a happy moment indeed. Again, suprise was come. A two slices of rainbow cake is coming. one for my monkey sister that celebrate her birthday same as me, even her birthday is so 2 months ago, and one slice is for me.  make a wish (Again) and blew the candle. there's nothing word to describe. just HAPPY.
we end up with took a picture together.

If my friends share their hapiness that they yet achieve almost they goals before age of 30, well i will be very happy for them. but for me, since i don't have any particular goals and prefer to let the universe suprise me, i also very happy on my own way, i live my life to the fullest and enjoy every moment of it. for sure, i know that God is taking care of me, He knows what's the best for me.No need to worry for my future cos my GOD is able to do a lots of special things for me. everything will beautiful in HIS time.

Well, hope this is a good start of my new chapter as a 29ers. hopefully this year i can achieve everything that i havent achieve before.

Enjoy 29 to me :)


Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

check ombak

Sometimes gue bingung ama cowo2 jakarta yang udah dibilang dewasa mateng - yah gue sih memperkirakan cowo2 itu umuran 32 keatas lah yah.

Menurut gue, cowo2 umur segituh tuh udah gak seharusnya mempunyai kelakuan labil layaknya anak2 abg skarang alias ababil.

Contoh kasus nyata, ada seonggok cowo (daging kali seonggok) yang baru aja baru aja gue kenal like 2 months ago lah ya . If i can give him a number between 1-10, i will give 7,5. good looking? hmm so-so, six pack? dun think so, tall? hampir setinggi gue dan menurut gue gak termasuk tinggi lah untuk ukuran cowo, job? well, he have a good position disalah satu hotel terkenal di Bali yang letaknya dipojokan jalan kuta  dengan lambang gitar yg gede gaban itu. anyway, he's around 33 or 34 y.o

Singkat cerita, akhirnya me and him memutuskan untuk in a relationship. (i know people may think that am crazy enough to decide in a relationship with this guy. FYI, we just intesed for keep in touch only for 2 weeks.

dunno why, gue gak ngerasa layaknya seorang pasangan yang baru jadian. seinget otak gue yang masih waras ini, klo yg namanya abis jadian pasti hidup lo indah banget dong ya. ibarat kata hidup lo tuh berbunga2 banget deh. tapi ama orang ini engga. disatu sisi gue mikir apa karena faktor umur ya. i mean im not 17 y.o anymore. jadi untuk perasaan2 kyk gituh udh so yesterday. faktor lain, mungkin karena dia juga sering bolak balik jkt-bali ya, intensitas ketemuan pun jarangnya pol. so far sih paling cmn dgn teknologi bbm or telp2an aja.

Singkat cerita ya, nih orang tiba2 berubah setelah satu hari we went together for a dinner and movie time. (mending berubah jadi gaban or spiderman kek) at least berguna buat membasmi kejahatan. but suddenly he turns become a stranger. i felt he act so cold.

the day after that night i called him. just to check whether he's ok or not. He sounds good and ready to hit the weekend with his family. I asked him, what happen? you act differently. he said, nothing happen. gue tetep kekeuh nanyain dia kenapa secara kayaknya boong banget kalo dia bilang nothing happen. after i pushed a bit harder, he came up with this sentences " aku juga ga tahu aku kenapa. setelah pulang dari bali aku jadi MOODY-an". ok everybody, please bold and underlined the word of MOODY. hell to the o, you are a 33-34 years old, you in the good position at your work, mapan, dewasa but still came up with MOODY? geez. saya pun hanya tertawa tergelitik.  after that conversation, i never bb him or even call him. i just let the universe suprise me.

2 weeks passed by. and my friend have a new candidate for me to introduce with. yep, called me a superstar lately. secara kayaknya lagi naik daun banget gue :D :D
Suddenly, this 2 weeks missing guy texted me via bbm. dengan bahasa basa basi, he asked me "how are you"? bisa aku telp ga?

yah, no harm. telp aja. eh tiba2 dia bilang eh, besok aja deh. (dalam hati, gila nih laki, bener2 dewasa labil --" ). mau telpon aja masih labil.

Keesokan harinya, berhasilah dia telp gue. and phew akhirnya gak labil juga dia. gue pikir bkl bbm lagi telpnya tahun depan aja deh. and he tried to said very nicely to end up our relationship. and me just happily said, ok no problem.  and asked him back where have you been? he said, i need time to think. heh? think? you, slow thinker. some cliche answer instead.

i shared this story with one of my best-est monkey sister and she said, " mba, dia tuh cuman check ombak aja ama kamu" dan setelah saya telaah lebih lanjut, bener juga ini istilahnya.

"check ombak" ke laut Cina Selatan. ternyata ombaknya mungkin terlalu tinggi and unreachable for him as a new surfer. gave up and try another ocean or sea to check their waves. and i think he found it yet. laut jawa - maybe the waves is calm enough. and after check ombak di laut Jawa, bingo, he can afford and handle it!